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Rôti Orloff Intro

Roast Orloff revisited by Yann, a multitude of flavours

Roast Orloff 1er, traditional recipe revisited!

Legend has it that the Orloff roast was invented in the 19th century in honor of Prince Orlov, who was Tsar Nicholas I’s representative in Paris. The modern version of this traditional recipe simply consists of interspersing slices of meat and cheese in a roast, before baking it in the oven.

Pork roast is inexpensive but a little dry when cooked in the oven in the traditional way, so I found this recipe to give my roast more flavor and softness.


Rôti Orloff ingredients
Rôti Orloff ingredients
  • A 750-gram pork roast
  • Slices of Emmental cheese
  • Slices of pancetta
  • A bouquet garni
  • A clove of garlic
  • 1/2 glass of water
  • Oil, salt and pepper
  • For the side dish: 250g mushroom duxelle, 2 diced potatoes and 1/2 sliced onion

The mushroom duxelle is made before the roast: Mushroom duxelle.

How to prepare the Orloff roast revisited

  • We take the roast out of the refrigerator about 1 hour before preparation.
  • We sear our roast in a hot pan on all sides.
Orloff roast: searing the meat
Orloff roast: searing the meat
  • On our work surface, we’ll oil, salt and pepper it.
  • We place it in an ovenproof casserole dish with the 1/2 glass of water at the bottom, the bouquet garni, the crushed garlic clove and we arrange the 2 diced potatoes and the sliced onion around the piece of meat.
  • I salt and pepper the potatoes.
  • The first baking will be in a conventional oven, preheated to 180°C for 18 minutes, with the casserole closed.
  • After 18 minutes, I retrieve the roast from my chopping board and let it rest for a few minutes before making incisions 3/4 of the way up to garnish it with slices of Emmental cheese, pancetta and mushroom duxelle. The rest of the duxelle will be placed around the roast with the potatoes and onions.
Orloff roast garnished with pancetta, Emmental cheese and mushroom duxelle
Orloff roast garnished with pancetta, Emmental cheese and mushroom duxelle
  • Once the piece of meat is nicely stuffed, we use twine to hold it together.
  • The second cooking time is in a fan-assisted oven/grill, preheated to 180°C, for 15 minutes, with the casserole dish open, so that the Emmental and pancetta take on a nice color and crisp up slightly when tasted.

For cooking, I’ll leave the orloff roast in the oven for as little time as possible to keep it as moist as possible, but if you prefer a well-cooked meat, you’ll need to leave it in for a further 5 minutes.


  • Proper preparation is crucial. It’s best to season it with salt and pepper, then place it in a dish suitable for baking. It is also essential not to place the roast in direct contact with the bottom of the dish, but to raise it, for example, by placing it on top of a few potatoes.
  • It is essential to let the roast rest for a few minutes after cooking before slicing.
  • For cooking, it is generally accepted to cook the pork roast for 20 to 25 minutes per 500 grams of white meat (veal and pork), and only 12 to 15 minutes for red meat (beef). In this version, there will be 2 cookings.
  • Temperatures around 180°C are the rule for most roast recipes.

Original ideas (Anthony’s corner)

  1. The slices of pancetta and Emmental cheese can be replaced by other meats and cheeses (bacon and Comté cheese).
  2. You can replace the water at the bottom of the casserole with wine or meat stock to improve the taste of the roast.
  3. In addition to the mushroom duxelle, béchamel sauce can be added to the potatoes and onions.

« Happiness is in the kitchen»

Paul Bocuse

French chef named « Chef of the Century » in 1989

Meat toasts have a long history dating back to antiquity. They were introduced to Europe in the Middle Ages, when peasants used pieces of meat to cook simple, economical dishes. In the 20th century, meat toasts gained popularity in many countries, including North America and Europe. Meat toast is now available in many restaurants and is also prepared at home by many chefs.

Follow my recipe for Orloff Roast on Youtube channel