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Gnocchi: a simple, easy and tasty recipe.

Gnocchi 06: a simple, easy and tasty recipe

The gnocchi can accompany all your future dishes in sauce 😉

Gnocchi is an Italian culinary specialty with complex historical and cultural origins. In the 20th century, it enjoyed a new wave of popularity in Italy, thanks to the spread of television and the media, which promoted traditional Italian dishes, including gnocchi. Today, gnocchi is a popular dish in many countries around the world.


  • 300 g baked « Bintje » potatoes.
  • 100g flour
  • 30g grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 egg yolk
  • Salt and pepper

How to prepare

  • I start by baking my potatoes in the oven for 45 min at 200°C. If you’re not sure, stick a knife in them to check. I then peel them and leave them to cool.
  • I mashed potato the potatoes using a food mill, potato masher or fork.
  • I add the egg yolk, grated Parmesan and flour a little at a time.
How to prepare gnocchi
How to prepare
  • I mix to obtain a homogeneous dough, not too sticky.
  • I spread it out on my work surface using a rolling pin.
  • I cut my dough into squares about 3 cm square and make little dumplings with each pre-cut square.
Gnocchi: making dumplings
Making dumplings
  • I’m going to shape my gnocchi with the back of a fork (see video: slow-motion image).
Gnocchi: using a fork
Using a fork

Cooking gnocchi

  • Place the gnocchi one by one in boiling salted water.
  • As soon as it rises, they’re almost ready, so I leave them for another minute or two, then place them on a plate on absorbent paper.
  • We could stop there, but I prefer to brown them in a pan.


  • These potato varieties have floury or melting flesh, ideal for making. It’s important to choose floury-fleshed potatoes to obtain a smooth, homogeneous dough: Turbo, Estima, Mona Lisa, Caesar, Idaho, Bintje.
  • In the oven, potatoes dry out and lose 20% of their weight, so to obtain 300g of mashed potato, you really need around 350g of raw potato. Ideally, I use the oven for dry cooking. The oven takes about 45 min at 200°C.

Original ideas (Antho’s corner)

  • There are many varieties of gnocchi, including potato, sweet potato, ricotta and more.

« For me, food is about generosity, and this should reflect on the plate as well. »

Marco Pierre White
he becomes the first British chef (and the youngest at the time) to be awarded 3 Michelin stars.

Follow my recipe for « Gnocchis » on Youtube

Here are some of the benefits: yann lefebvre

  • Inexpensive.
  • A perfect accompaniment to dishes in sauce.